Environment Preservation

Environment Preservation

         Having understood the need of protecting our mother nature from harmful environmental impacts, SMITA is committed to contribute its part in all possible ways to serve the environment and takes few steps to conserve and preserve the green environment.

Providing a safe and clean work environment is one among the primary objective of its SMITA environment policy.

The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) steering committee ensures all legal statutory requirements for it environmental protection.

To name a few, SMITA has successfully implemented the following measures to prevent or minimize the pollution in its own way:

  • Solar evaporation pond to achieve zero liquid discharge from its finishing unit.
  • 100 % renewable biomass briquettes are used as bio fuel for boilers heating.
  • Eco-friendly vegetable tannages for leather manufacturing.
  • We have undertaken Tree plantation projects to create a clean environment for the improvement of quality of life of people of Ambur
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